Thursday, August 16, 2007

Expectations Squish Soymilkʻs Hopes

Have you ever offered soymilk to a friend, or tasted it for the first time yourself? You or your friend are consoled that it really isnʻt that bad, and you really enjoy it with your breakfast cereal, your vegan cookies, or just on its own. Cautiously, you or your friend sniffs the glass, puts it to their lips, and takes a sip. They make a disgusted face. Why? Oh, the answer is simple...


Hello, do the words ʻsoymilkʻ and ʻcowʻs milkʻ sound the same to you? Because maybe my hearing is just bad, but they sure sound different to me. Donʻt ya think that should tell ya something about the two products? Oh how about just the fact that they ARE NOT THE SAME THING. Duh! And just because they donʻt taste the same doesnʻt mean that one is delicious and the other disgusting. Well, the cowʻs milk may start tasting disgusting to the educated after they learn what kind of pus and blood comes out of a cowʻs infected udders along with her milk.

And thatʻs another thing--itʻs her milk. At what point did the cow consent to giving the milk to us to drink? Hmm. Iʻm not aware of that ever happening.

Please think before you drink.


Commissioner said...

My wife and I had a discussion about Soy Milk the other day. That is why I found this post so interesting. I told her if they called it soy juice instead of soy milk I think more people would try it. Calling it soy milk makes the average follower expect it to taste like cows milk.

Allie said...

After being vegan for two years, milk disgusts me. Just smelling it makes me wanna hurl, and I used to love it.
When I first went vegan I didnt really like it because I expected it to taste like milk, but after a while I adjusted and I dont notice the "non-milkyness" as much.


Unknown said...

They should call it "Soy Drink" like the "Rice Drink."

I actually liked the taste of soy milk but unfortunately I am allergic...what Asian person is allergic to soy?!
yeah, I tried it after realizing that even the tiny containers of milk always went bad in the fridge because I never drank it.
I was never a fan of the cow juice either!
I do like cream cheese though.
