Thursday, August 9, 2007

'But we need animal products for the vitamins and minerals they contain'


Many people think animal products are necessary for obtaining several different vitamins and minerals that are essential for human health. They are under a misconception -- one that the meat, dairy, and egg industries are not about to soon clear up.

People need to drink cow's milk for calcium, right? Nope.
Oh but iron is only found in meat. Actually, no.
Plants don't have B12, so we for sure need animal products. Not at all true.
Protein! What about the precious nutrient that I obsess over and count grams in my sleep?! Plants can cover that too.

Calcium is a mineral. Minerals come from the ground. Therefore, cows get their calcium from the ground in the foods they eat--which, as a matter of fact, are plants--and SO CAN WE. Collard greens, broccoli, sesame seeds, almonds -- all have a healthy amount of calcium. Adult cows don't drink milk or eat any animal products, and they still get their calcium.

Iron is abundant in spinach, and, by the way, multivitamins. Never fear an iron definciency if you just take your daily multivitamin.

B12 does not form in animals or their secretions. B12 forms on bacteria. Yes, bacteria. And where does one find bacteria? Dead animals sounds rather appetizing to a few million bacterial colonies. A B-vitamin supplement sounds rather tasty right about now, doesn't it?

Protein -- the nutrient worshipped in America like some pagan idol. Please realize that your body only needs 0.4 grams of protein per pound of body weight, and more than that can cause bones to lose calcium, thus putting the protein-worshipper at a greater risk for osteoporosis.

So realize that you can turn to the Earth for the essential nutrients. And if you don't feel like eating your veggies for vitamins/minerals, a good ol' daily multivitamin has got you covered.

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